Town Office Closed 11/26 and 11/27: We apologize for any inconvenience; the Town Office will be CLOSED for the week of Thanksgiving, November 25-November 29. We will reopen foregular business hours on December 3rd 2024.

Joint Statement 5 Town Dam Committee




Representatives from the 5 Town Dam Committee met at the Bucksport Town Office on Wednesday, November 6th to discuss the new petition filed by Bucksport  Mill LLC seeking to relinquish ownership of the  Silver Lake, Alamoosook, and Toddy dams.  

On November 1st, the DEP accepted the petition as complete despite the fact that much of the information about the current conditions and costs associated with the dams was lacking.   We have altered DEP to our concerns and are asking that they follow up with additional information requests.  All organizations represented in the Committee have communicated to the State that without detailed information on the dams, it is impossible to have any meaningful consultation related to ownership.

Bucksport Mill LLC has announced a public meeting to be held on Thursday, November 14th at 5 PM.  The meeting will be at Maine Maritime Academy’s training facility in Bucksport on the old paper mill site. The format for the meeting is still unclear but all interested parties are strongly encouraged to attend and be prepared to ask questions.  

Section 908 of the statute requires that each municipality must consider and act on the issue of dam ownership at a public town meeting. The meeting must be held no later than 60 days after the municipal officers receive notice.  This does NOT mean that the towns will be deciding on taking ownership, it will be the beginning of the conversation and an acknowledgment that no decision can be made without having all of the information we have been requesting from the owner.   Each of the 5 Towns will be scheduling meetings for their citizens.  Penobscot’s will be December 3rd, Bucksport’s December 12th, and Orland’s will be December 13th at 6:00pm.  Surry and Blue Hil will schedule theirs soon.  Details of the meetings will follow.

Finally, Orland, Penobscot, Surry, and Blue Hill have secured joint legal representation with the Portland firm Norman Hanson & Detroy.  With the help of the Toddy Pond Association and the Alamoosook Lake Association our towns are seeking contributions to our legal defense fund.  We are working hard to prevent the current dam owners from walking away from the dams with no repercussions.  If you can contribute, please send a check to the Town that represents you.  Your help is greatly appreciated.