Budget Meeting: The Orland Selectmen will be meeting on 3/18/2025 at 1:00 p.m. regarding the budgeting process for fiscal year 2025/2026. This meeting will be held at The Orland Town Office located at 25 School House Road Orland Maine 04472.    
Budget Meeting: The Orland Selectmen will be meeting on 3/18/2025 at 1:00 p.m. regarding the budgeting process for fiscal year 2025/2026. This meeting will be held at The Orland Town Office located at 25 School House Road Orland Maine 04472.    

5 Town Dam Committee




Representatives from the 5 Town Dam Committee met at the Bucksport Town Office on Wednesday, December 4th to discuss new developments regarding Bucksport Mill LLC’s petition to abandon the Toddy, Alamoosook, and Silver Lake dams.  

Under the statute governing the petition to release water from a dam  ( 38 M.R.S. § 902), each of the 5 municipalities is required to hold a town vote to consider ownership of the dams.  This vote only indicates the town’s interest in pursuing the due diligence necessary for making an ownership decision in the future.  The meetings are scheduled as follows:

  • Blue Hill – November 25th,  5:30 PM, Select Board Room (passed)
  • Surry – December 3rd, 7 PM Select Board Room – (passed)
  • Penobscot – December 7th, 1 PM Fire Station
  • Bucksport – December 12th, 7 PM Town Council Chambers
  • Orland – December 13th, 6 PM, Orland Community Center

Once the Towns have voted, Bucksport Mill LLC has agreed to enter into a consultation process with the Towns.   This consultation process should provide towns with the necessary information on the conditions of the dams and the costs associated with maintaining them, but the information actually shared depends on Bucksport Mill’s cooperation.  This is the first step in determining the possibility of future ownership.

Over the last week, Committee representatives briefed the Hancock County Commissioners and the Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District on the dam abandonment threat and the current progress on identifying new ownership.   Both organizations are willing to support our efforts.

Outgoing HD17 State representative Ron Russell briefed the group on several pieces of bipartisan legislation under development in Augusta that will directly assist our 5 Towns in resolving this situation.  Representative Nina Milliken, new Representative Steve Bishop, Senator Nicole Grohoski, and Senator David Haggan are working to pass these initiatives. They include:

  • The bill would increase the consultation period with the Dam owner and codify information requirements that the owner must share
  • A revolving fund that could be used for the assessment and renovation of dams
  • A revamp of the Maine Emergency Management Agency (the group overseeing dams across the state).  The legislation would beef up the program to increase inspections and technical assistance to dam owners
  • Create a structure for dam ownership that would allow the entity to access grant money for the renovation of high-hazard dams (all three of ours are classified as high-hazard by MEMA)

The Committee is committed to keeping the residents updated on the progress.  To that end, in addition to these biweekly updates being posted on town websites, we are developing expanded outreach efforts to keep everyone informed.  This outreach will include routine notifications to news outlets and interested organizations.  Any questions can be directed to any of the 5 Towns or the two lake associations.