History of Orland

Thanks to the work of a great many people, our Bicentennial book offers tales to delight and history to enlighten the willing reader. This volume is necessarily partial, and we encourage future historians and story tellers to expand on what we have begun.

While we make no claim to absolute accuracy, all contributors have made every effort to tell the truth as best they can remember it or reconstruct it from existing documents and pictures.

From abundant resources, we have stories and pictures enough to overflow the thickest book. So we invite curious readers and travelers to see and read more at the Orland Historical Society Museum in the village.

This book touches on the history of the Town of Orland as seen by the contributors.

They include:, S.Wayne Ames, Donald Bowden, Minnie Bowden, Sharon Bray, Chris Farley, Dave Davis, Virginia Davis, Leslie Dorr, Lillian Dunbar, Stuart Gross, Russell Harriman, Doris Hutchins, Bill Larkin, Dawsie Pierce, Julia Remick, Peter Remick, George Sawyer, Frances E. Soper, Jane Tannehill, and Nancy Wasson.